Farm Direct Incentives Guide


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BUNDLE: Eligible Food

This simple poster from MIFMA shows what products are eligible in Michigan for SNAP, nutrition incentive, and other food assistance programs. Similarly, this poster in English, and Spanish, from Ecology…
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Eligible items
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FreshLink Outreach Materials

Simple, downloadable example materials for consumers re: how to save $, store produce, what's in season.
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Food safety and storage
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Washtenaw Markets Bus Ad

Growing Hope's bus ad for the Washtenaw Market is a way to get the word out to a large audience. Exterior bus ads, which are more expensive, can be complemented…
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Marketing materials
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Ypsilanti Farmers Market Sponsorship

An example of a short sponsorship information sheet for Growing Hope's Ypsilanti Farmers Markets, and for the Ypsilanti Food Awards fundraiser for the markets, this shows how markets might pitch…
Program Administration | Market budgets and fundraising
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Vendor Inspection Report

Some markets, mostly larger ones, inspect their vendors farm or other place of production to verify that their products were produced by them, and in the ways they claim. This…
Program Administration | Vendor management
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Tips for Eating Local, Healthy and on a Budget

This trifold brochure from the New Mexico Farmers' Markets packs a lot of information in a small space, including what's in season, food assistance programs, finding your market, and budget…
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Marketing materials
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Token & Special Programs Policies

Market Umbrella's overview of tokens and special programs page gives a thorough look at how one organization integrates and operationalizes multiple food assistance and other currencies into their market.
SNAP/EBT and Nutrition Incentives Technology | POS & E-commerce Options
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BUNDLE: Token / Scrip / Currency Guides

Simple, at-a-glance charts can be helpful to support customers navigating multiple forms of currency at the market and to show vendors what products can be bought with what tokens, coupons,…
Program Administration | Data management
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Using SNAP at Farmers Markets: CT

This client-focused video, available in both English and Spanish, is an example of engaging your audience to market SNAP at the farmers market.
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Digital media
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