Farm Direct Incentives Guide


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Double SNAP Dollars Manual for Market Employees

From the Double SNAP Dollars nutrition incentive program in Montana, this manual for market employees walks through the procedures for implementing the program including tokens, reimbursements, data tracking, invoicing, and…
Program Administration | Staffing
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Carrboro Farmers' Markets Business Plan

Carrboro Farmers' Markets' Business Plan is a 30 page, in depth analysis, strategy, and plan that is a model for markets thinking about their purpose, strategic positioning, target customers, marketing,…
Program Administration | Market budgets and fundraising
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Cultivate KC Nutrition Incentive Programs

This very brief set of slides from Cultivate KC gives a high level overview of their nutrition incentive programs, and can serve as an example of how to communicate a…
Getting Started | SNAP, EBT, and Nutrition Incentive Programs
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BUNDLE: Nutrition Incentive Off-Site Signage

It's important to advertise outside of your farm direct site itself, to both gain more exposure and to direct people to you. Examples of signs designed for off-site use include…
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Signage
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BUNDLE: Nutrition Incentive On-Site Signage

Reminding customers when they get to your site that SNAP and nutrition incentive programs are available can help new customers learn about the program and how to use it. Simple,…
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Signage
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BUNDLE: Overall Token Tracking

If your site uses tokens, you'll have to reconcile them and summarize the sales happening by vendor, currency, and day. Use these forms as examples for how to keep track.…
Program Administration | Data management
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BUNDLE: Sales & Token Tracking for Vendors

Vendor Transactions by currency--including any food assistance currencies--is necessary so that the market can reimburse vendors accurately. These examples show forms given to vendors to self-track, which is an option…
Program Administration | Data management
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BUNDLE: Texting

Texting/SMS Messaging is a newer way markets are getting the word out, and there are many commercial companies who provide services to support this, including some focused entirely on farm…
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Digital media
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BUNDLE: Tracking Customer Transactions

When facilitating nutrition incentive programs, each transaction a customer makes using their EBT card is generally logged. At farmers markets and farm stands, this means the central terminal or market…
Program Administration | Data management
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