Farm Direct Incentives Guide


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Resource List

BUNDLE: Recipes

Sharing recipes at your farm direct site is a great way to encourage customers to try new foods. Printer-friendly market-based recipes in English, Spanish, and Arabic are provided by the…
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Nutrition education and recipes
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Resource List

Choose My Plate Recipes

From the USDA's Choose My Plate, this searchable library of 900+ simple recipes is an extensive resource, and includes the ability to sort for recipes that can be made most…
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Nutrition education and recipes
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Resource List

Eat Fresh: Tasty Recipes on A Budget

EatFresh is an online recipe resource for CalFresh, California's SNAP program. They have an extensive recipe library that can be sorted by special diets or cultural traditions, meal plans, a…
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Nutrition education and recipes
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SNAP eligible food and other items

This USDA web page lists eligible and ineligible foods that can be purchased with SNAP benefits.
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Eligible items
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BUNDLE: Eligible Food

This simple poster from MIFMA shows what products are eligible in Michigan for SNAP, nutrition incentive, and other food assistance programs. Similarly, this poster in English, and Spanish, from Ecology…
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Eligible items
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FreshLink Outreach Materials

Simple, downloadable example materials for consumers re: how to save $, store produce, what's in season.
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Food safety and storage
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