Farm Direct Incentives Guide


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Resource List

BUNDLE: Translation Services

This bundle includes translation services that offer on-site, over the phone, video, and text translation services for clients seeking to open their site to a wider array of languages. Most…
Language and marketing | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
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Tarjimly Translation App is a free app that connects those in need of translation services with live translators via text, phone, and video call. Including a wide array of languages such as…
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Popular Phrases Translated into Arabic and Spanish

Michigan Farmers Market Association created two-pages of helpful farmers market and SNAP-related phrases (some Michigan-specific) translated into Arabic and Spanish.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility | Language and marketing
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I Speak Statements in Multiple Languages

This USDA-produced document that translates "I speak _____" into around 50 languages and their associated alphabets; customers could point to which one they recognize.
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Effective Communication in the Cultural Marketplace

Chapter 6: Happy Vendors, Happy Managers from the Washington State Farmers Market Management Toolkit provides excellent background reading for considering ways communication and culture intersect at the market, including with…
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DCFPI Style Guide For Inclusive Language

This very usable guide from the DC Fiscal Policy Institute that includes tangible ways to use inclusive language, and substitute language commonly used. It is useful in particular for describing…
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility | Language and marketing
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BUNDLE: Inclusive Communication

These resources can help you speak clearly to a variety of audiences. The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) provides practical guidance on how written forms of…
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility | Language and marketing
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