Farm Direct Incentives Guide


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Attracting SNAP Customers to your Farmers' Markets

This USDA website offers a broad overview of how to attract SNAP Customers to your Farmers Market, and may be a good place to start when considering the range of…
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Understanding your community and customers
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21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge

Food Solutions New England (FSNE) provides daily content prompts over a 21 day period that help raise awareness, change understanding, and shift behavior around race and racism. Their Racial Equity…
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility | Trainings and tools
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Americorps State and National

The Corporation for National & Community Service offers several programs-- some administered at the state and the other at the national levels-- that, among other aims, work to alleviate poverty.
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Partnership development
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AMS Local Food Directory Listing Update

USDA’s Local Food Directories update and registration site for local food retail and wholesale outlets including farmers markets, farm stands, CSAs, and food hubs is among the places to be…
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Getting on the map
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