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SNAP-Ed at 1890 Historically Black Colleges and Universities
This Report from the Food Trust discusses SNAP-Ed as a resource at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and makes recommendations for increasing the effectiveness and capacity of nutrition education through…
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Nutrition education and recipes
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USDA SNAP-Ed Webinars
This page lists webinars related to SNAP-Ed from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service.
The Food: Eligibility, Safety, and Nutrition Education | Nutrition education and recipes
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Case Study
SNAPshots: Farmers Market SNAP Success
This excellent case study from Tacoma Farmers Markets in Washington State about the introduction of SNAP and Nutrition Incentives and its transformative effects on the market community shows the power…
Quick Tips
Incentive Waiver Guidance: Offering Incentives To SNAP Recipients at SNAP Authorized Stores
This page explains the process for NON-GusNIP or other federally funded retailers who want to offer an incentive program based on SNAP. Because there is a rule against differential treatment…
Sample Content Calendar
This sample content calendar created by Rachael Ward at FMC offers a basic template for organizations looking to plan out a social media content calendar and budget.
Messaging, Marketing, and Engagement | Digital media
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EBT Accounting Forms
These examples of EBT Accounting Forms come from the Virginia Cooperative Extension's EBT Toolbox.
Utah Farmers Market SNAP Toolkit
This toolkit from the Utah Farmers Market Network provides a step-by-step how-to process for farmers markets considering applying to accept SNAP. While some information is state-specific, much of this guide…
Getting Started | SNAP, EBT, and Nutrition Incentive Programs
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Resource List
BUNDLE: Translation Services
This bundle includes translation services that offer on-site, over the phone, video, and text translation services for clients seeking to open their site to a wider array of languages. Most…
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility | Language and marketing
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7 Translation Tools and Services for Non-profits and NGOs
This Medium post from the translation service Jala offers seven services, Jala included, that organizations can use for translation services, both free and for a fee.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility | Language and marketing
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