Farm Direct Incentives Guide


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Ecommerce Decision Tool

This quiz and accompanying resource was created by the Small Farm Tech Hub at CAFF to help guide small farms in making a strategic decision on adopting e-commerce or online…
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An Exploration of Farmers’ Market Nutrition Programs

Produce Perks Midwest and Green Umbrella’s Food Policy Council are pleased to release a new report that explores the process of digitizing nutrition incentives at farmers’ markets. The report, “An Exploration of…
SNAP/EBT and Nutrition Incentives Technology | POS & E-commerce Options | Scrip/tokens and systems | Getting started— applying, equipment, etc
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Making SNAP Incentives a Snap (on the EBT Card)

Around the country, many local governments and organizations (including SPUR) run healthy food incentive programs to increase low-income families' purchasing power for fruits and vegetables. These bonus dollars are often…
POS & E-commerce Options | SNAP/EBT and Nutrition Incentives Technology
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Quick Tips

EBT Point of Sale Device Category Overview

This document will help you familiarize yourself with the categories of devices available and help you start your search. This list is not exhaustive, nor is it a recommendation –…
SNAP/EBT and Nutrition Incentives Technology | POS & E-commerce Options | Getting started— applying, equipment, etc
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EBT Technology: Market Discovery Process

Your process in choosing a Third Party Processor (TPP, or sometimes referred to as a “Merchant Service Provider”) and device (whether it’s a tablet or a payment terminal) to process…
SNAP/EBT and Nutrition Incentives Technology | POS & E-commerce Options | Getting started— applying, equipment, etc
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Farmer to Farmer eCommerce Platforms Report

This guide to digital sales platforms for CSAs from the CSA Innovation Network lists and compares sales platforms by feature and offers a list of additional resources on ecommerce for…
SNAP/EBT and Nutrition Incentives Technology | POS & E-commerce Options | Farm Stands, CSAs, and Mobile Markets | CSA
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EBT Technology: Not So Plain and Not So Simple

There are many ways you can describe EBT Point of Sale technology. “Plain and simple” is hardly one of them. Join Farm Direct Technical Assistance team members as they demystify…
SNAP/EBT and Nutrition Incentives Technology | Getting started— applying, equipment, etc
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Resource List

Nutrition Incentives 101

New to the field of nutrition incentives? Now is the time to get all your questions answered. No question is too silly or elementary.
SNAP/EBT and Nutrition Incentives Technology | Getting started— applying, equipment, etc
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