Farm Direct Incentives Guide


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The Georgia Farmers Market Guide

This 20 page guide from the Georgia Department of Agriculture focuses mostly on the laws and regulations governing farmers markets, in particular around agriculture, licensing, and food safety. While focused…
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Resource List

State by State FM Resources

This Farmers Market Coalition landing page is the starting point to learn whether your state has a farmers market association, what SNAP equipment program is offered, who the contacts are…
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Market Managers' Training Manual

This manual from the British Columbia Association of Farmers' Markets covers the roles and responsibilities of market managers, basics on setting up a market for success, strategic planning, evaluation, and…
Getting Started | Farmers Markets
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Iowa Farmers Market Manager Handbook

This colorful and comprehensive Farmers Market Manager Handbook from the Northeast Iowa RC&D walks through the many roles of market managers in great detail, and is filled with practical advice,…
Getting Started | Farmers Markets
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