The Farm Direct Nutrition Incentive Guide Site is an information portal and resource library on how to put nutrition incentives into practice at farm stands, farmers markets, CSAs, and other farm direct sites. The library brings together the wealth of resources developed by farm direct practitioners across North America. We’ve gathered materials and information from websites, presentations, podcasts, and webinars all across the field of farm direct nutrition incentives to help you find what you need in one place, and learn about organizations that share your mission to create an equitable and sustainable food system for all.
This site is for on-the-ground operators distributing nutrition incentives at farm direct sites. Nutrition incentives were formed and implemented as a way to increase community access to local foods in farmers markets. Today, nutrition incentive programs have evolved and adapted to increase the purchasing power of shoppers who use SNAP and support their active participation in the local food movement at many different kinds of outlets.
Although implementing a nutrition incentive program can be very impactful for your customers and community, it can be a cumbersome process. You’re not alone! If you manage a farm direct site and want to implement, improve, or expand your nutrition incentive programs, this site is for you. If you are a GusNIP grantee or other network administrator coordinating across multiple sites, you can find resources here to help support your site-level managers as well.
For more information, including how to submit or suggest resources for inclusion in the library, please see our FAQ page.

The Farm Direct Nutrition Incentive Guide Site was created by the Nutrition Incentive Hub. The Nutrition Incentive Hub was created by the Nutrition Incentive Program Training, Technical Assistance, Evaluation, and Information Center (NTAE), and is a national resource supporting Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP) applicants and grantees. Collaboratively, Nutrition Incentive Hub partners provide training, technical assistance, reporting, and evaluation assistance and resources for those who want to launch or expand GusNIP-supported nutrition incentive or produce prescription projects across the country. These efforts help families and individuals experiencing food insecurity purchase and consume more fruits and vegetables.
The Nutrition Incentive Hub is led by the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition in partnership with Fair Food Network along with a coalition of practitioners, grocery and farm direct specialists, evaluators, and researchers dedicated to strengthening and uniting the best thinking in the field to increase access to and affordability of fruits and vegetables for those who need it most.
This website is operated by the Nutrition Incentive Hub’s team of farm direct specialists. The Michigan Farmers Market Association (MIFMA) currently maintains this website. The Farmers Market Coalition (FMC) originally developed this website in partnership with the Ecology Center and Amanda Marie Edmonds, the former director of Growing Hope, who gathered and organized hundreds of resources to add to this library.